KEA beleives in prosperous sub-continent through peaceful resolution of Kashmir conflict

President of Kashmir European Alliance Sardar Pervez Mehmood issued a statement on Kashmir Solidarity day. Sardar said that human rights are shared values. Human rights are our common possession.When abuses are committed against anyone in any society, the dignity of humanity as a whole is compromised. By the same token, it is only when the rights of any individual and rights of the people of any region receive our care and protection, humanity can achieve a shared redemption.

Such is the principle of human rights, in all its stark simplicity. But a shared understanding of that truth still eludes us. Why so? Could it be that we are too selfish, too benighted, too lacking in courage? Or, perhaps, we are insincere, we don’t really love life enough: we con ourselves into imagining we can get away without discharging our obligation to human rights, fairness and justice. Do we fool ourselves into thinking that chaos is acceptable? Do we entertain the idea that the world may well collapse in ruin, all hopes and dreams shattered?

It is our actions as humans that deliver economic security, the right to education, the right to free association and free expression. When we abandon efforts to uphold human dignity, we forfeit the essential meaning of being human, and when we waver in our commitment to the idea of human rights, we abandon our moral principles. What follows is duplicity and folly, corruption and tyranny, and the endless stream of humanitarian crises that we see in the world today.

Individuals in India and Pakistan lack the opportunity to receive an education, to access information or communicate freely. The right of children to grow up and be educated, the right of women to receive protection, the right to conserve nature.Today, big powers manufacture, possess and sell arms. Pontificating about human rights is simply self-deluding if we fail to curb the dangerous practices that make armed conflict all the more likely.

Those who agree with the idea of peace between Pakistan and India have spent the last seven decades waiting for the right combination. The right setup on one side and a corresponding viable equation on the other side to provide us with real hope for a peace in the region. The hope always was that sober poeple on the other side, with whom one side shared a common heritage, would simultaneously find and establish their own right combo for the two countries to engage in a meaningful search for solutions. If the peaceniks on both sides can ever hope to force a definitive break with status quo. The peace dividend that would accrue to the 1.6 billion people in both countries would be massive, not to mention the tremendous opportunities to recover a shared past and build a collective furture.

When its about the prosperity and poverty alleviation in sub-continent is concerned, a peaceful resolution of Kashmir Conflict  may bring an end to economic downturns of the poverty stricken masses in Pakistan and India. The Indian strategy of trying to  solve Kashmir issue through violent means is a denial of right of self determination of Kashmiri people, a breach of commitment and obligations to UN resolutions on Kashmir and  India has committed gross human rights violations  in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Sardar Maintained!

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